The Finance Minister will appear before Parliament today, June 22, to answer 16 questions tabled before his Ministry after initial failures.
Ken Ofori-Atta was rescheduled to appear before the house after he failed to honor an earlier summon on Thursday, June 16.
The Minister is expected to give details on the government’s expenditure of Covid-19 funds, amongst others.
Ofori-Atta appears before Parliament today
Already, the Minority in Parliament has served notice it won’t tolerate his absenteeism today.
The Ranking Member on the Health Committee, Kwabena Mintah Akandoh, described him as unfit for his office.
“That has been his nature; I am not surprised. There are a lot of outstanding questions for the Minister responsible for Finance, and sometimes at the last minute, he won’t show up.
Ofori-Atta appears before Parliament today
“In any jurisdiction, this man would have been fired long ago by the President. He is not being fired by the President because he is keeping the parochial interest of the President.”
But, the Majority Caucus has flatly rejected the assertion, insisting he only asked for an extension of time.
Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, the Majority Leader, said no one should peddle such allegations.