[11:23 pm, 13/02/2023] Marcus: A Ghanaian gospel musician and
nurse with several awards to her
name, has opened up about her
personal life experiences
concerning her childbirth journey,
stating that her delay in
conceiving was worth the wait and
the names of her children are gifts
from God.
She made this revelation on GTV’s
Breakfast Show during the scoop
with Kafui Dey.
In some parts of the world,
women are always blamed for not
being able to conceive and are
mostly taken through so much
torture whilst others end up
calling them names, but one thing
[11:25 pm, 13/02/2023] Marcus: IKe DIana FamıIOn, WhO nad to
wait for almost six years to get her
first child, she said, “it was worth
the wait, Kafui andI am just
grateful to God”.
She added, “nobody from my
family questioned my child birth
except Grandpa, who called me to
his room and asked if it was on
purpose or because it’s just not
coming, and I told Grandpa it’s just
not coming, then he prayed for
She added that one thing nobody
has control over is childbearing,
and according to her, it is
insensitive to question women
who are faced with childbirth
challenges, and urged people to
“pray for them”.